
My Journey, James Parker, Design Director, Ground Shatter Games

This is a summary of a livestream conversation, which can be watched in full here. Like most in the games industry, design director James Parker has enjoyed a varied career full of surprises; some more welcome than others. Before founding Ground Shatter Games, where he’s been making stylish, action-movie inspired games like Fights in Tight Spaces for the last seven years, he worked for a host of different developers, including Argonaut, Blitz Games and Opposable Games. He’s also been made redundant on several occasions, been assigned to at least one doomed movie tie-in project and, in a moment of desperation,…

UK Games Industry Internships, Graduate Schemes and Traineeships

This is a summary of the livestreamed event of the same name, which can be watched in full here. So, you’ve decided that a career in games is right for you. And why shouldn’t it be? After all, the games industry is the perfect place for a creative, highly-motivated person just like you, who loves to build and share experiences. But while the games industry is a terrific place to work, it’s also notoriously competitive and tricky to break into. No doubt you have a lot of questions. What skills do I need? Do I need a degree? How about…

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